Ethics require Transparency – Dan Frishberg is caugh up in the Illusion of the Scam

September 21, 2010

They say it takes one to know one!  How many times do I wish that weren’t true, but in the case of Dan Frishberg and the BizRadio saga, I am uniquely qualified to report as I’ve (regrettably) been in his shoes and dealt with the consequence – federal prison.  Just last week, in doing a program for the US Navy, I was asked: “What did you learn in prison?”

Answer: “I learned three things: (1) every choice has a consequence! (2) often we get caught up in our own illusions and fail to see or acknowledge the truth; and (3) Success is measured by the impact we have on others, not by the stuff we acquire over our lifetimes.”

I freely acknowledge that I am not proud of my past choices from 1986 – 1989, but I have been honest in what I did, why and the lessons that were learned as a result.

So…where does this take us in the case of Dan Frishberg and BizRadio?

I was told by several folks that Dan has become frustrated at the publicity that he’s received.  When either BizRadio or Dan Frishberg is searched on the internet, articles (some mine) appear which shine a light of truth on what he, Al Kaleta and David Wallace have done to unsuspecting investors through their BizRadio scam. (Perhaps it didn’t start as a scam, but certainly became one by all accounts).

So what did Dan do?  Instead of looking at the truth of the matter, he’s continued his journey into the fog of illusion and enlisted the help of other bloggers to blog positively about him and the work that he does.  In other words, he’s trying to fill the media outlets with more illusion so that he counteracts his devious actions – currently being investigated by authorities.

One new blog by Mike Wazowski is a feeble attempt to shine a positive light on Dan.  Mike states the following regarding Dan Frishberg’s plight:

I have a feeling Dan “The Money Man” Frishberg knows just what Ray Donovan meant, even though his ordeal has been played out on a smaller field. Dan’s is a familiar voice on the radio and TV, where he has been a frequent commentator of Fox Business and CNBC, among others. If you want to see what caught my attention, take a look at this YOUTUBE VIDEO of The Money Man’s television appearances from 2008 and 2009.

Unfortunately for Frishberg, fame came with an opening for shady operators including a con artist who named himself CEO of Dan Frishberg’s radio enterprises and proceeded to try to sell the home station of his radio show, “The Money Man Report”. Also finding his way out of the woodwork is a blogging Lone Ranger who has spent more than a year on his lonely crusade against Frishberg’s reputation.

Let’s see – to be clear Dan does have commentary on YouTube, but then again anyone can have YouTube video.  What I notice is the total absence of Dan Frishberg as a guest of any legitimate media outlet since he’s come under the scrutiny and investigation of the SEC and his beloved radio station – BizRadio is effectively up for sale under the direction of an SEC Receiver.  Has Fox or CNBC had him on in 2010?  Sure would be interested to know if they did or perhaps they’re working on a new segment related to Dan on say – American Greed?  Just asking?

And, let me get this right – now Ron Crider is being implicated as a self appointed CEO “con artist” – hum…somehow I don’t think the fact bear out that claim.  But then again, I’m not yet sure that Mike is holding true to the title of his blog – Truth in Blogging.

Ah…but there’s more.  Mike now wishes to take a swipe at me.  Trust me, I’ve had many swipes, but this one is a bit comical.  Here goes Mikes comments:

Apparently a paid propagandist, he calls himself a “home grown journalist” and claims to be an Ethics Consultant. But his “reports” are nothing more than innuendo backed up by vague sources like “numerous phone calls and emails”, violating the first rule of the Society of Professional Journalists’ Code of Ethics. Of course, since he’s bucking the Mainstream Media by, alone among all the business reporters and editors in America, portraying Dan Frishberg as a villain and not a brilliant financial strategist, he may think he is not bound by “professional” ethics.

This deceptive blogger says he is a CPA, yet he is apparently also a convicted felon. I don’t understand how those go together, but in any event, he pretends not to understand the difference between capital and equity when he is straining to understand how an investment fund with more than $50 million in real estate could have also invested in BizRadio.

So for TRUTH IN BLOGGING – let’s set the record straight:

  1. I am not a paid propagandist – NO ONE PAYS ME TO WRITE WHAT I WRITE.  As you might notice, my blog is free and not used as a site for advertisers or sponsors.  So – Mike you’re wrong here.
  2. He calls himself a “home grown journalist” and claims to be an Ethics Consultant.  Well…I suppose I am a bit of a HOME GROWN JOURNALIST as are most bloggers, but to clarify, I also have been published in numerous national magazines, featured on numerous talk shows including but not limited to CNN, CBS and NPR radio as well as TV appearances.  AND I AM A PAID ETHICS AND FRAUD PREVENTION CONSULTANT.  Again, Mike you might wish to check your facts before you assume that I am not what I say or appear.
  3. His “reports” are nothing more than innuendo backed up by vague sources like “numerous phone calls and emails.” VAGUE SOURCES – hum, Judges orders, SEC Receiver reports, Written Documents and interviews by those who have been victimized by Dan Frishberg.  Wow…I guess those are insignificant in comparison to what Dan Frishberg says is true (ah…the fog of illusion).  Hum…I guess we’d never have had Watergate reported by Woodward and Bernstein if we could not report from “vague sources”.
  4. This deceptive blogger says he is a CPA, yet he is apparently also a convicted felon. – Mike you really miss the boat “Big Kid”…as you are apparently incapable of doing simple research?  I WAS A CPA – created a PONZI SCHEME and SERVED TIME IN FEDERAL PRISON.  Wow…there’s no NEWS HERE!  You report as if you’ve found something.  Sorry, but you didn’t.  Rather all you’ve done is show that I am exactly who I say I am – I am transparent.  Clearly, I’m not the one caught in the fog of ILLUSION.

So…to those who follow my reporting on Dan Frishberg, David Wallace, Al Kaleta and BizRadio … I will continue to do so and appreciate all the help I’ve been given along the way.  There’s an old Elvis song that says, “what you do in the dark, will be brought to the light” – and in Dan’s case that is true.

TRUTH:  “Keeping it real by bring you the truth!  Mike Wazowski” – Mike may be a real person (I honestly don’t know), but what is true is that it appears that Mike is no more than a mouthpiece for Dan Frishberg – spouting reports that are designed to counteract the light of truth that the Houston Chronicle, I and others have been shinning on Dan.   Nice try Mike…but in the future, call me and let’s discuss the truth…my number is published!

William Murray California CPA Charged with $13 Million Fraud – Former CPA and Business Ethics Speaker Chuck Gallagher comments…

February 11, 2010

Every choice has a consequence.  I know…as a former CPA charged and convicted of fraud…I understand so well the effect of the choice we make.

Assistant United States Attorney Matthew D. Segal alleges that William Murray used false pretenses and representations to steal $13,357,133 from clients of his tax return preparation business, Murray & Young.  Mr. Murray is well known in the Sacramento area. He had frequently provided tax tips on a local television channel and served on the board of a charitable foundation.

Murray told more than 50 clients that he would pay taxes or make investments on their behalf and that therefore they should write checks to accounts that he controlled.

The information further alleges that Murray actually used the money to finance an extravagant lifestyle: he remodeled his house, funded a limousine business, and purchased things such as luxury automobiles, hand-woven rugs, art, sports memorabilia, wines, and jewelry.

The information also states that Murray used $3,507,502 in client funds to pay other clients’ tax obligations or to purport to return other clients’ investments.

The maximum statutory penalty for a violation of the mail fraud statute is 20 years in prison and a fine equal to the greatest of $250,000, twice the gain, or twice the loss caused by the offense. The actual sentence, however, will be determined at the discretion of the court after consideration of any applicable statutory sentencing factors and the Federal Sentencing Guidelines, which take into account a number of variables.

The charges are only allegations and the defendant is presumed innocent until and unless proven guilty beyond a reasonable doubt.


Speaking from person experience, if Mr. Murray is guilty…he would be best advised to surrender his license, plead guilty and make every effort to make restitution.  Facing time in prison is less than pleasant, but survivable.  Perhaps, he, like I, can find the experience in prison one of learning and make a different set of choices following his release.

I recall the best advice I was ever given.  A man once said to me soon after my crime came to light: “Son, you’ve made a terrible mistake, but YOU ARE NOT A MISTAKE.  The Choices you make today will define your life in the future and the legacy you leave for your two sons…  MAKE THOSE CHOICES WISELY!”

Comments are welcome.