International Business Ethics Expert Chuck Gallagher featured at Medtronic meeting in Geneva, Switzerland

December 18, 2012


Medtronic Gray and BlueChuck Gallagher, international Business Ethics expert was the featured keynote speaker at the Medtronic – Culture of Ethics and Integrity Meeting in Geneva, Switzerland on December 11th and 12th, 2012.

Medtronic, Inc. (, headquartered in Minneapolis, is the global leader in medical technology – alleviating pain, restoring health, and extending life for millions of people around the world.

Focusing attention on the “Human Side of Ethics” Rob ten Hoedt selected Chuck because of his unique background and ability to deliver a compelling ethics message – one that will be remembered long after the meeting is over.  Rob ten Hoedt is the Senior Vice-President & President, EMEA & Canada, a role he has been in since 2009 and in which he is responsible for all sales and distribution of Medtronic products and therapies across these regions. He is a member of the Company’s Executive Committee (ExCom).

“I am excited to share with the folks at Medtronic the reality of how and why we make the ethical choices we make and what we can do to stay within our ethical boundaries.  All to often we focus on the compliance and legal issues surrounding our companies, when the most important issue of understanding the human element of our choices and the consequences that follow.”

Speaking and consulting with companies worldwide, you may have seen Chuck on television, or heard him on CNN, CBS or NPR radio programs.  His business insights are sought after for his strong position on ethics and sales leadership.  Chuck Gallagher’s focus is business – but his passion is empowering others.  His unique presentations, from Expert Sales Training to Effective Business Ethics clearly demonstrate he brings something to the platform that isn’t often found in typical business speakers.  Chuck’s personal experience in building businesses and sales teams while leading companies provides a practical and powerful framework for success.

Currently COO of a National Company and former Sr. VP of Sales and Marketing for a Public Company, Chuck may have found a sales niche early on in life selling potholders door to door, or convincing folks to fund a record album of his musical performance at age 16 (and yes those were the days when an album was made of vinyl), but it was the school of hard knocks that provided a fertile training ground for Chuck’s lessons in Success.  Described as Creative, Insightful, Captivating, and a person that “Connects the Dots” between behavior, choices and success, Chuck Gallagher gives his clients what they need to turn concepts into actions and actions into results.

It has been said that with Chuck you have an industry professional sharing practical tested and time proven methods that can enhance personal and professional performance with a clear focus on Ethics.  What Chuck shares in his presentations – whether training, keynotes or consulting – are understandings of not only “How To”, but also “what motivates behavior” – behavior of individuals which create personal and professional success.


Chuck Gallagher is the founder of the Ethics Resource Group and for information about Chuck’s Ethics presentations, he can be contacted via, email at or phone 828.244.1400.

Chuck Gallagher is represented by Eclectic Media Productions a national PR firm.


Buusiness Ethics and Fraud Prevention Speaker Chuck Gallagher addresses FBI Conference

July 11, 2011

CHOICES: Negative Consequences – Positive Results

Chuck Gallagher Shares the Impact of Choices

at a Time when Ethical Choices seem to be missing from Business Culture

 CHARLOTTE, NC.  July 7, 2011.  From Prison to Promise, Chuck Gallagher’s presentation:  CHOICES: Negative Consequences – Positive Results –  exposes the power of choice and the negative consequences or positive results that can follow.   Selected to present to the 2011 FBI CPA Conference in Denver, Colorado, this annual FBI conference generally focuses on economic and other white-collar crimes.  Recognizing the importance of ethics and their practical application, Gallagher, as a speaker, is a natural fit for this national conference as he shares from experience how a life can change and the course of history can be altered by one unethical choice. In today’s environment, with so many lives turned “topsy turvy,” CHOICES  – provides a meaningful and practical framework for understanding how an otherwise ethical person can make unethical and potentially illegal choices.  CHOICES –  exposes the impact of unethical choices and the power that ethical choices can have.  As a business ethics and fraud prevention speaker, Gallagher’s presentations provides a foundation for business ethics training that goes beyond case studies and focuses on real life issues.

Chuck Gallagher, author of the new book Second Chances, has lived through it and he has come out a better man, husband, and father.  As a nationally recognized CPA, Gallagher lost it all when he made unethical choices by creating a Ponzi scheme and defrauding his clients and it all began with one bad decision.  He chronicles his fall from a wonderful life of success into the inside of a prison cell and how he managed to take the steps to rebuild his life to one full of meaning, purpose, and promise.

Shortly before his sixth month in prison, Gallagher asked himself, “Where from here?” This ultimately becomes his personal call to action upon which this book is premised. Gallagher states, “You may make a mistake, but YOU ARE NOT A MISTAKE.” So what’s next? What do you do next? How will you put one foot in front of the other to manifest the power over the choices you make now and in the future?

Gallagher’s presentations offer nuts and bolts information relevant to anyone from Main St. to Wall St. It packs hard-hitting, no-nonsense tools that the audience member can actually manifest into the power of ‘choice intelligence’. Through his transparent heart felt presentations, Gallagher says to the his audience, “Take what I’ve learned and apply it in your life and you will transform your destiny.  Explore every God-given opportunity and, in the process, you’ll develop a higher level of consciousness through better choices and a higher purpose. Honor your life, make wise choices, you will make a difference in your own life, the lives of others, and in society.”

Today, Gallagher is COO of a national company and speaks internationally on business ethics – choices and consequences. Chuck openly and candidly shares the lessons his roller coaster ride in life has taught him.  Described as “creative..,” “insightful…,” “captivating…,” and a person that “connects the dots” between behavior, choices, and success, Chuck Gallagher provides his clients, readers, and audiences with what they need to turn concepts into actions and actions into results

Chuck’s presentations drive home the very real issues involved in businesses today.  One unethical errant choice and the media fallout can have an immediate impact on business results.  For information about Gallagher’s ethics presentation contact Chuck at ,call him at 828.244.1400 or visit his website:

Perplexed! Trying to Reconcile Ethics and Prejudice in 2011 … personal comments by Ethics Speaker Chuck Gallagher

July 4, 2011

There are times when I find myself baffled.  My mother and step-father just left from a weekend visit and the older they get and the older I get the more I see generational differences that amaze me.  Perhaps I shouldn’t be, but as a Baby Boomer and a professional in the death-care industry, I study the attitudes of the generations – as that identifies service opportunities – and still find myself amazed by the statements of ethics on one hand and the deep seeded prejudice on the other.  How can one profess ethics and/or ethical behavior and have such anger and fear toward ones fellow-man?

Here’s an example from my step father:  For the better part of two days, Bob berates African-Americans – speaking as if they were inferior and dirt to him.  He has no use for Obama (he’s Black and hence incompetent) or anyone else of that ethnic background.  It has been so bad that many years ago my children, both much younger, ask him, “Bob, were you ever a member of the Klu-Klux Klan?”  Bob, astonishingly said, “No!  What makes you ask that?”  Duh…to my children the hatred he had for African-Americans was a dead give away.  To this day, we still doubt his answer.

But, back to the story.  Bob is insensitive to race and degrades people of a difference race than he (caucasian).  Yet, he sat at the table at dinner last night and shared that the splendid surgeon that saved his life on his second heart attack surgery was Black!  He spoke of this man in fond terms acknowledging his skill.  “If it weren’t for him I wouldn’t be here,” he stated.  After listening for a while, I calmly looked at him and asked, “Did you say your surgeon was an African-American man?”  Bob replied, “Yes!”  “Then is a man of that capability saved your life, how can you be so critical and judgmental of Black folks?”  Bob’s response…”Good question.  He is the exception not the rule!”  And with that he shifted back into deep seeded prejudice.

I must admit…trying to be respectful of and to my step-father (I admit my mother is almost as bad) while listening to that insensitive fear based opinion was almost intolerable.  So I asked a question – How do you reconcile ethics and prejudice?  Here’s the response I received…

Prejudice is an expression of insecurity.  If he were secure with himself and his life, there would be no prejudice.  Prejudice is taught and passed down.  Perhaps asking him how he came to understand that other races were inferior to him.  Typically it is taught.  Sometimes people have experiences with other races where they are hurt by them and the reaction is to become prejudice.  It is far easier for some people to look at others as deficient rather than themselves.  Prejudice allows for elevating themselves.    At a deeper level, Chuck, look to see if there is a block inside of you that needs to be cleared.  What do you connect with prejudice?  Was there a time in life that Bob felt powerless and then took it out on other races?  Racism isn’t about love.  Racism is about fear.  What is his deep fear?  Do you wonder how your mother could be with a man who is racist?  Racism is about non-acceptance.  So how does his unacceptance impact you?  Your mother?  Is there a place in you that is not accepting of someone else or some other experience?  Where is there fear in you?  What is your fear?  Everything is connected.  Seek to understand and you might find the answers.  When someone needs to see someone as inferior, they have an issue with feeling inferior.

That answer asked more than it answered, but the questions were quite profound.  So, as I pondered what I received I decided to write this blog as I believe in transparency and am open to the dialogue.

Prejudice is an expression of insecurity.  If he were secure with himself and his life, there would be no prejudice.  Prejudice is taught and passed down.  Perhaps asking him how he came to understand that other races were inferior to him.  Bob was a career Army man.  He started college in Arkansas and enrolled in the National Guard to avoid the draft at the beginning of the Korean War (conflict) only to find out that 24 days later he was being shipped out to fight!   Realizing I was not from that time, it would appear that Bob’s generation (what is now known as the “Silent Generation”) was living in a time of fear.  People were taught to crawl under desks in response to a nuclear attack (like a desk would protect you from a Hydrogen bomb – what were they thinking?).  At that time, the majority of citizens in the US were caucasian and by the time of his birth – 1929 – the Civil War had been over only 64 years earlier.  Perhaps reared in that environment we would all be different.

Sometimes people have experiences with other races where they are hurt by them and the reaction is to become prejudice.  It is far easier for some people to look at others as deficient rather than themselves.  Prejudice allows for elevating themselves.   Hum…well two things instantly come to mind.  One – Bob hates Blacks and folks of Asian descent.  Black’s like because of teaching from his parents and others and Asians because in his early twenties – we fought Asian’s in Korea.  Today we’re taught (or at least that’s what many would want) to fear and hate terrorists and we’re taught that they are radical Islamists (for the most part).  As I recall I don’t think that was Timothy McVeigh or Ted Kaczynski’s background…?  I suppose that in looking at it, it becomes easy to hate others when that is the environment that one comes to know.

At a deeper level, Chuck, look to see if there is a block inside of you that needs to be cleared.  What do you connect with prejudice?  Yea…now the hard questions (right!).  Perhaps there is a block…as I find myself being somewhat intolerant of prejudicial people.  The question just came to mind – if none of us had a vocal accent and if those who experienced us were blind – how would our experience of others be?   I cannot say that I have never had a prejudice thought…that would be a lie.  But I came to learn tolerance in prison.  My cellmate – Buck – was a young black man.  Buck is my friend and he taught me well.  He helped me see from another’s eyes without having to be locked into their beliefs.  As a result, I can understand from Bob’s perspective why he has these beliefs, but I’m mystified as to why he wishes to continue to hold onto them – knowing now what he knows.  Perhaps it’s possible that my generation is (through learning on the human consciousness level)  –  is learning more about tolerance and acceptance?

Was there a time in life that Bob felt powerless and then took it out on other races?  Racism isn’t about love.  Racism is about fear.  What is his deep fear?  Do you wonder how your mother could be with a man who is racist?  My suspicion is that the time of his birth and upbringing  and military training ingrained that well in him.  Do unto others before they do unto you.  Interesting, wonder if that is still taught in the military today?  My guess…is yes.  The “rag heads” (as I have heard them called far too often) are the bad guys and we (America) must protect our way of life.  But in reality don’t we all – the human race – all want the same thing?  (1) To be safe; (2) To be allowed to be in our culture and live; and (3) To be loved and love our family.  Israel wants that.  Palestinians want that.  Iraqi’s want that.  American’s want that.  What if we all elected to have exactly what we wanted?  If we did, there would be no need for war?  But back to the question…

What is Bob’s deep seeded fear?  It seems the preservation of his belief system and his way of life.  If people don’t believe as he – then he sees that his way of life is challenged and that creates fear.  He said more than once, “I fear for this nation.”  I responded, (probably not wise, but what the heck), “What if we looked at it as the world and dropped the border?  What if we used our intelligence to improve the life of our fellow humans world wide instead of worrying about protecting ourselves at the expense of others?”  Well…that sent him…

Do I wonder how your mother could be with a man who is racist?  No…she is too.  Perhaps not to the extreme.  But in our discussions I commented that I don’t elect to watch the news (with rare exceptions) because of the negative approach that is taken.  But to be accommodating we turned on the 10 o’clock news (FOX of course)…and the first story was a positive one…I was blow away.  Two Black churches in Charlotte, NC mobilized men on the street to make sure that folks were safe this fourth of July!  Great story and changed my perspective (maybe a little about the news).  The minister of one church spoke to the reporter and shared that they have a responsibility to set an example and teach others how to be responsible.  I’m ready to cheer and from my mothers mouth, “Wonder how much he’s stealing from the congregation?”  If she had said, “See Son, Fox isn’t negative see the value of this positive story?”  Well…I could have gotten that, but the negative assumption about the actions of the minister reinforced the deep seeded belief of bad vs value in seeing the good.

So how does his unacceptance impact you?  Your mother?  Is there a place in you that is not accepting of someone else or some other experience?  Where is there fear in you?  What is your fear?    Unacceptance impacts me, in that it makes me sad that their fear keeps them from experiencing a more expansive life and understanding the value that others can bring to them just as they can bring value to others.    My mother is challenged in accepting the joy she can share from her grandchildren, me and others as long as she hold to a belief system that is fear based.  Perhaps the greater value in this entire blog is me looking in the mirror and examining how I hold onto beliefs and fail to experience life in a new and magical way.

One thing – and if this is it, the value is there – I do not wish to be defined by the beliefs of my generation, but hold open the door to learning from the generations that follow.  I may age, but seeing the world through young new fresh eyes is a gift…and one that I firmly chose to hang on to.


  1. Based on what you have read, what suggestions would you have for me to learn how to accept my parents as they are, yet help them open to new and bright possibilities that lie ahead?
  2. Is it possible that – that generations belief (which I judge as limited) will expire only as they expire and that trying to change or expand those ingrained beliefs is inappropriate?


Anne Bruce, Best Selling Author, recommends SECOND CHANCES – Chuck Gallagher’s new book on Transforming Adversity into Opportunity

November 6, 2010

Chuck Gallagher’s book, Second Chances, offers every reader hardhitting, no-nonsense life tools that each of us can manifest into the power of choice intelligence and its many benefits. This is not another, “Here’s my story and what I’ve learned” book. It’s much more. It’s a book that says “Take what I’ve learned and apply it in your life. You will transform your destiny to a higher level of consciousness through better choices and higher purpose!” It’s a call to action that doesn’t mince words.

Chuck brilliantly demonstrates in this book that life is full of grit that can become imbedded in our soul—just like the grain of sand that embeds itself within the oyster’s shell—the grit of life, its challenges, heartbreak, and pain, also can be transformed into a beautiful pearl within us all.  Second Chances guides the reader through Chuck’s personal story of triumph to finding his or her own rare, one-of-a-kind pearl within. Chuck’s story illustrates how imprisonment of the soul can take place behind bars or outside of them. It’s a choice we can make and then change the trajectory of life when we make it.

As Chuck says so eloquently in this book, “You may make a mistake, but you are not a mistake.” Not to read Second Chances, in my opinion, would be a mistake I strongly recommend avoiding.

Anne Bruce
International speaker and bestselling author of
Discover True North: A 4-Week Approach to Ignite Your Passion
and Activate Your Potential; Be Your Own Mentor;
How to Motivate Every Employee; Speak for A Living; and more.

Here’s an excerpt from Chapter Two of Chuck Gallagher’s new book described as inspirational and groundbreaking!


I was at a breaking point, feeling that I had no control and no value. In my current state, I was useless to my partners; in fact, I was a severe detriment. Everything my wife and I had worked for was about to vanish; only she didn’t know that. Furthermore, the career that I had worked so hard to craft was going to disintegrate in just a matter of hours. I had no control. I was powerless. The only rational action I could think of was ending my life.

Thank God for that major phobia of mine─fear of pain. The problem with suicide was that everything I thought of involved pain. I even considered jumping off the building, but the distance between the leap forward and the final impact caused me some serious worry. What would I be thinking during those few seconds? More importantly─“Good Lord, that would hurt!”

At 7:11 p.m. that evening, I grabbed the Yellow Pages and began calling clinics─anyone who I thought might help me. Frankly, I don’t recall what I was looking up. I do remember that there were no listings under “suicide”─in fact, that wasn’t a category. So I looked up physicians, psychologists, psychiatrists, anything that started with a “P”. Honestly, I don’t remember who I did call─a proctologist, as far as I knew. The only thing that flooded my mind was I needed help.

“You’ve reached the office of Drs . . . Our office hours are from 8:30 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. Our office is closed. But if you’ll leave your name and number, we’ll be happy to call you first thing in the morning. Have a nice day!” Somehow, when you’re thinking of ending your life, “have a nice day” just doesn’t seem appropriate. And unfortunately, that’s the message I got over and over.

Calling became an obsession. It was the one thing I could do, one action that I felt in life I had some control over. “Just one more dial,” I would say to myself as I pressed the buttons on the phone, listening to the ring, hoping for an answer.

“Dr. Benson’s office.” That was the second time that day I was stunned. After getting recording after recording, I was somewhat unprepared for the possibility that someone would answer. Yet someone did.

“I need to talk with someone. I’m from out of town,” I somehow stammered.

“Actually, our office is closed. I was just walking out the door and thought this was my wife. Give us a call in the morni . . . ”

Before he could finish his sentence, I blurted, “I’m thinking of committing suicide!”

Silence─then the voice said, “Let’s talk.”

For the life of me, I can’t recall what was said between us as I lay on that lonely hotel bed. We could have talked for two minutes, twenty minutes, or two hours. I just don’t remember. What I do recall is that this total stranger, a man who I had never met, took the time to help me see past the grand illusion I had created and uncover the real me inside.

That night was the darkest night of my soul. That call that I shared didn’t make it better. It didn’t eliminate the consequences. It didn’t remove the pain. Rather, it gave me hope, hope that if I could make poor choices that would, most certainly, bring painful consequences, I also possessed the power to make positive choices with positive results.  His comment to me still resounds in my heart today. He said, “You have made a terrible mistake, but YOU are not a mistake! The choices you make moving forward will define your life forever and provide the foundation for your children’s lives. Think carefully as you make this choice!”

When he said to me, “YOU are not a mistake,” it hit me─while the past cannot be changed, the life we are given and the choices we make moving forward are the only things that count. I felt a burden lifted. I could not change the past; all I could do was face the consequences. It was within my power to make good choices, now and in the future, that would produce a fruitful outcome. That was my destiny!


For more information on Anne Bruce and her many books visit here!